Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A Change of food...

Here's some food for the eyes. I've been working on these 2 pieces for a few weeks now. They are not quite finished but close. There are bits of each painting that I like and it just seems not quite together for me. Reno Man likes it, so I guess its ok. Still a long ways from where I see my paintings should be.

The top piece still needs the keyboard to be painted in and there is still some shading left to be done in both pieces. Aside from that, they are mostly done.

I just love learning from Jackie at her studio in Crescent Beach called Tiggy's. Not only is she very encouraging, but she is a great teacher with a lovely personality. Come October, I'm going to take the beginner's course with her. That should give me some good basic foundations on acrylic painting. Can't wait.


Caine said...

So you're an artist and a cook. A woman after my own heart.

I'm not hitting on you

Definitely nice paintings. Have you finished them? Do you sell your work?

Be well.

Asian Butterfly said...

Hi again Caine,
Thank you again for the lovely compliments. Since getting pregnant, I have put a stop to alot of my favourite activities. Manily beacuse I have been so sick. Its only in the past couple of weeks that I have started to paint again. Unfortunately, I still have not finish the pair of paintings. My husband keeps asking about them as he would like to frame and put them up.

I don't think my paintings saleable. Besides I do it purely for pleasure.

With your string of positive comments, I might start making blog posts again. Thanks for visiting!